Get started building your data-driven app without having to create a backend.
This data is a great way to get started building your app without having the backend figured out. Using real (or real-looking) data can help you make better design decisions along the way.
Data gleaned from a number of open or creative commons sources, including:
Just use this service as REST API's in your favorite tool (like Draftbit). To use the API, simply append the resource you want to get.
You generally won't want to get all of the records for a particular resource, especially those with thousands of records. So use _page and optionally _limit to paginate returned data.
Yes! Many of these tables have relationships that let you link them together. For example, there is a relationship between cars, cars_saved, and users. More specifically, cars_saved have both a userId and a carId.
A Lot! You can filter using field names, sort using _sort and _order, slice using _start and _end, and search through records using q.
Remember, this data is just for testing purposes, so any changes you make will not be saved for very long.
We're using JSON-Server to host this data. Big thanks to them for making this possible. Check out their docs for even more features.
Sure! Just make a request with the chat button in the lower right or in our community.
Some of this data was generated randomly, including anything related to users, people, or holdings. Other parts of the data, like articles, posts, podcasts, restaurants, etc contain data from open source or creative commons databases.